1 Серпня 2023
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1 August 2023
What You Need to Know
United Nations Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hereby invite qualified companies to submit sealed tenders as follows:
To conduct large works at the 6 Kniazia Romana Street, Lviv 79005 Ukraine. The works include restoration and renovation of the premises of the building, including replacement and installation of service systems, installation of elevator, electricity supply, air conditioning, water supply and sewage, fire protection systems and purchase and installation of furniture etc.
UNESCO is looking for bidders with an experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least 2 projects of a nature and complexity equivalent to the above-mentioned works over the 7 years and with 150,000 USD Annual turnover in any single year during the last 5 years.
The works shall be finalized in 4 months starting from the signature of the contract.
The purpose of this notice is to provide general information on the requirements for the procurement process and to inform interested suppliers how to obtain a copy of the Solicitation Documents.
Interested companies who wish to participate in the OIC must request for a complete set of Solicitation Documents, available free of charge, from UNESCO contact person at the address shown below.
The sealed tenders must be submitted electronically to clt.procurement@unesco.orgSIGNED, as per Annex I clause 17. “Submission and Marking of Bids” no later than 1 September 2023, before 18:00 hour Ukraine time.
UNESCO reserves the right to amend the documents at any time during the solicitation process. Any amendments or clarifications will be communicated directly to all Bidders who have requested for a complete set of solicitation documents and officially confirmed their intention to submit a sealed tender. No remuneration will be made to companies for preparation and submission of their tenders.